$375.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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Exclusive offer: 20% off Badass Your Brand so you're ready for the next step after Badass Your Vision. Learn to brand yourself across your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn, so you can land incredible, aligned interview offers for your new career direction. 

Badass Your Vision: Self Paced (Payment Plan)


 Lifetime access to Badass Your Vision transformational career coaching materials to secure career moves time and time again (Value $1500)

🚀 BONUS: Purpose Statement Workshop (Value $300)

🚀 BONUS: Career Catapult Training Vault (Value $500)

🚀 BONUS: Vision Coaching Vault (Value $1000)

🚀 BONUS: Career Connection Email Kit (Value $200)

Payment Plan Details: 2 equal payments of US $375, one taken today and one on the same date next month.

Click here if you would prefer to pay in full (best value)

Terms and Conditions

From Badass Your Vision students 💫

What was supposed to be a journey to get my dream job, became a life-changing experience of letting my inner self to be found and challenging my limiting beliefs.

Ela, United Kingdom

I could not recommend Rosie enough if you are feeling stuck and confused about your career or direction. She is extremely intelligent, dedicated and it is so obvious that she cares so much about her clients.

Danielle, United Kingdom & New Zealand

I'm on contract to start with a strong potential for conversion doing sourcing for a tech startup. It's fully remote, the team seems amazing and there's plenty to learn; it's the best possible next step! Thank you for all your help. It got me through six months of unemployment and to this point.

Erin, USA